Next.js 13 revalidateTag

August 31, 2023


The revalidateTag allows you to re-fetch data that is associated with a specific cache tag when the associated data changes.

Example of the revalidateTag in a server action

"use server";

import  {  Product  }  from  "@typings";
import  {  revalidateTag  }  from  "next/cache";  

// Server Actions
export  async  function  addProductToDatabase(e:  FormData)  {
	const  product  =  e.get("product")?.toString();
	const  price  =  e.get("price")?.toString();

	if  (!product  ||  !price)  return; 

	const  newProduct:  Product  =  {

	await  fetch("",  {
		method:  "POST",
		body:  JSON.stringify(newProduct),
		headers:  {
		"Content-Type":  "application/json",



The above server action will add a new product to the database (in this case a mock api backend) and once the new data is added the front end will make another fetch request to update the UI with the new data.

The front end code looks like this:

const  res  =  await  fetch("",
	cache:  "no-cache",
	next:  {
	tags: ["products"],

const  products:  Product[] =  await  res.json();

The front end fetch request will take in an options parameter that sets the 'cache' property to 'no-cache' and sets the 'next' object with the 'tags' property set to an array of cache tags.


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